How to make ad on massasjenordic & eskortnordic ?
Step 1 go to the frontpage of massasjenordic or eskortnordic, go to the top in right corner of the webpage, where it stands create account, you have 2 options advertiser or customer, for advertiser you need to enter an valid email to continue, you need also phone number, adress, zip code ,city ,country, if you are company you need to fill in company ID and if you pay VAT you need to fill in VAT id, last you need to confirm the terms and conditions, you will recive confirmation code on sms, after you come to payment solutions, where you can choose between different payment options. and you post the pictures, if they are real we validate you and if they are fake we reject you.
Why should i use massasjenordic & eskortnordic ?
Because, our website have the best prices, the best costumer base, the best support, and no delete of reviews, we always answer our costumers, and all the reviews you have from other websites we give you in our website :)
Is it free for a user to make profile ?
Yes its completely free of charge to make user profile.
How to make user profile?
First you click on create account then you click on costumer, after you fill in your email, create password, confirm password, full name and phone number with country code
Do massasjenordic & eskortnordic allow fake pictures and ad ?
No we don`t allow fake pictures and ads. we permanently, checking out, and we also have to approve your pictures before you can have ad on our website
Will i get my ad online same day i make it ?
Yes you will get your ad online at same moment after you paid, and filled in everything needed, we validate ads every day
Can i upload naked picture on my user account ?
No. the picture in your user account should be a picture of you, your face or full body, we dont allow naked pictures in user profiles, the picture in your profile can be seen by the advertisers, if you write to them.
Why i have to let reviews open and not off?
Because we know how hard this business is, reviews is very important for advertisers, but no fake reviews ofcourse, and its also very important to have verified pictures, if you be in escort.
What are priority ads ?
Priority ads will appear, before normal ads, that means if you pay for priority ad, then your ad will come higher on the site, depending on the number you get when you order it, priority will give you more traffic on your ad, because you will appear on top, of search by city you be in.
Do we except website link to your website?
Yes ONLY if you are company we can except website link, but the condition is that you also have our link in your website !
Do you give my private information to others ?
No we dont give any private information like your email, or adress, or account number etc.. to anybody ! we treat your information secret !
How is it with billing and faktura ?
We need your country of residence, adress, zip code real name and last name, if your are company you put your organization number, VAT number and Company name
When i write to an advertiser do the advertiser see my email ?
No you dont see the advertisers email and the advertiser dont see yours !
Can i have my real name in the ad?
No Real name on the ad please !
Does support answer me if i want to ask for something ?
Yes support will try to answer you as soon as possible :)
How to create a good profile ?
First of all try to have as many pictures from different ways, also try to give a good description of yourself, list only the service that you provide, make sure your phone number is correct :)
Can i hide my ad, if i i want a break ?
Yes you can but the days that you paid for will still running
Does we share costumers email or phone number or can anybody see it ?
NO, we dont share your email or phone number or any other information !
How should i write review?
Its not allowed to be rude, or write racist or discriminate other users or advertisers ! if you do that you your user account will be deleted !!
What if costumer have bad exsperiment, with an advertiser ?
The costumer can write us an email, and explain why.
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